Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club

Established in 1992
NARCOA Affiliate since 2014

LEGAL NOTICE: Operation of railway equipment, including motorcars, is governed by Federal, State and Railroad authorities. All rail property is owned by someone.  Operation of any equipment on or around railroad property is only permitted with permission of the property owner or leasor.  CVRTC will assist local, State, and Federal authorities in prosecuting illegal operators of railway equipment. 

The Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club is an association of railway motorcar enthusiasts dedicated to preserving motorcar history and right-of-way maintenance through active operation and stewardship.
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About CVRTC Safety Events Calendar Trail News Membership
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Good Bye

(October 12, 2016) Hello fellow CVRTC members,
After a lot of thought and soul searching I have decided to hang up my hat as the organizer for the Thomas events at the CSRR.
I started out ten years ago helping Wayne and Tiny running three motorcars with Thomas only being a three day event.
Today Thomas has evolved into a two, three day weekend event requiring more cars and people. When I first started we didn't have flaggers or even a fence running parallel to the tracks to keep everybody away from the track cars.
Today that is not the case, as you can just look around and see all the changes that have been made over the years in the name of safety.
While I am very proud of the job you all have done over the years, I am extremely proud of never having had an accident or having somebody get hurt. Without your help and dedication this would not have been possible, and it speaks volumes for everything that you have done over the years.
So with this said, I want to once again thank all of you who have helped me over the years. Dennis and Stacie have volunteered to take up the reins and will be running the Thomas event next year. I know you will give them all the help they need, as you had done for me. Continued success with the Thomas event and keep up our safety record.
The best to all of you.
Dave (DK)

October Meeting

(October 9, 2016) CVRTC members were greeted by a dreary, overcast day at Fernald Station. After the monthly meeting, a small group headed out to patrol the Wolfeboro line, inspecting the newly constructed trail sections, and breaking for lunch at the Miss Wakefield diner. The group returned west, all the way to Wolfeboro Falls. (JWM)

September Meeting

(September 11, 2016) The club had a special visitor to the monthly club meeting this Sunday. Chris Gamache, Chief for the New Hampshire Bureau of Trails made a surprise visit at Fernald Station. Mr. Gamache had nominated our President, Bruce Stuart, for a Trail Advocacy Award. This award is given by American Trails, a national organization that works on behalf of all trail interests. The award demonstrates the national recognition of motorcars as a peer trail user among snowmobiles, hiking, horseback riding and any other means or contrivance to navigate a trail. Bruce earned this by his dedication to railroad history and focus on our recreational pursuits of riding the rails. We've worked closely with Trail Chief Gamache over the years and appreciate his inclusive efforts to keep our hobby alive in the state trail system. We were delighted with his visit on our Family Day and his consideration of CVRTC for this kind of recognition in the trails community. (SPM)

Trail Work

(August 27, 2016) Six club members have responded for this weekends' work party. Sunday, 8am - 1pm will work for the majority of members. Members will be meeting at Cotton Valley at 8am and installing gauge rods on the downgrade, eastward, leaving Cotton Valley. We definitely could use some additional help that day. Additional spike mauls and grub hoes would be a big plus. The digging won't nearly approach the amount of effort it took to install the initial ones that were put in two weeks ago. There are many spikes creeping upward and they will need to be spiked back down.

This latest effort on our part will virtually get us to the 1st culvert in the wetlands that Ron and members rebuilt 6-8 years ago. At that point the trail goes beside the rail for quite some distance. The Club's interest will be as well protected as practical up to that point. There are some bridge culverts to address and one or two more sections of gauge rods to get in before mid Oct. After this year passes, the bulk and majority of work on our part will be over. Bruce says that he, as well as all our membersr will be looking forward to bringing some fun back into the mix.

Bruce can't stress enough, fluids, electrolytes and breakfast should be a high priority Sunday. Look forward to seeing all. (JWM)

August Meeting

(August 14, 2016) Members held a quick meeting early Sunday morning, then headed out east of Cotton Valley to install gauge rods in the sections of the right-of-way in the marshes. Two deer could be seen at the far end, where the track disappears back into the woods. Thanks for everyone's hard work! (JWM)

New England Southen Railroad Track Patrol

(August 13, 2016) It was a nice day in central New Hampshire, lower temperatures and slight overcast. The crew cut several trees, keeping the line clear. Everyone was packed up and headed home before the forecasted thundershowers rolled in. The owner of the railroad extended a big thanks to the CVRTC members and their guests for their work today. (JWM)

Conway Scenic Railroad - Day Out With Thomas!

(July 31, 2016) Ready. Set. GO! Dave reports a great second week up in North Conway at the Conway Scenic Railroad participating in their Day Out With Thomas. The crew lucked out with the weather and missed the heat for the most part with an hour and half delay on Saturday due to rain. For all of you who helped out this year, thanks go out to all of you in making it another successful and safe event. Pictured is the crew that helped out on Saturday. (JWM)

Conway Scenic Railroad - Day Out With Thomas!

(July 24, 2016) Ready. Set. GO! We had a great first week up in North Conway at the Conway Scenic Railroad participating in their Day Out With Thomas. Come on up next week, visit with Thomas, Percy, and Sir Topham Hatt! Pictured is the crew on a bright sunny Sunday morning. (JWM)

Visit From Senator Shaheen

(July 21, 2016) In an impromtu visit (CVRTC had a three hour notice), Senator Shaheen stopped by to speak with TRAC and CVRTC on Thursday, 21 July. The Senator wanted to know more about the trail and to see, first hand, the results of Federal RTP grant money. Bruce Stuart, CVRTC President, gave the Senator a ride out over the Lake Wentworth causeways and back. She enjoyed the ride and the scenic views from the motorcar. (SPM)

July Membership Meeting

(July 10, 2016) Quiet morning at Fernald Station preceeding the Club's July Membership Meeting. (JWM)

June Membership Meeting

(June 12, 2016) Great day for a meeting... Jon reported some fog and rain through Alton, but all cleared up before meeting time. After reading the President's Report, and the rest of the meeting, we adjourned our brief meeting, and members headed out to the Miss Wakefield Diner for lunch. Jessie's drone snapped a picture of the group at the east end of the line. (JWM)

Crawford Notch Excursion

(June 4, 2016) As guests of the Conway Scenic Railroad, and in exchange for Club members' efforts during last year's "Thomas the Tank Engine" event, participants were rewarded with an excursion on the former Maine Central Railroad line through Crawford Notch.

The trackcars were set on at Redstone and went as far as Fabyans this year. A total of ten cars with 23 people made the trip. After holding a Safety Briefing at 8:00am, the group proceeded west to Mountain Junction, then backing down the former Boston & Maine trackage to the North Conway depot.

Of all of the trips Club members have made over the years up through the Notch, Dave K believe this was the best trip ever had. We had no safety issues due to the attentiveness of the whole group. We had no breakdowns (a first), and we had just gorgeous weather. While at Crawford's we were able to see climbers repelling off Elephants Head and when at the Hattie Evans homestead we saw two climbers climbing the cliffs along the tracks. Dave guesses the only negative thing about the trip was that we saw no wildlife along the tracks but they encountered many hikers hiking along the rails.

Dave hopes that everyone enjoyed the ride as much as he did, and until Thomas arrives for another Day Out With Thomas, and we all get together again, have a safe summer and happy motor caring. (JWM)

New Hampshire Public Radio

(May 24, 2016) Sean Hurley, a reporter from New Hampshire Public Radio, came up to our May meeting and put together a short segment on the history and present day activities of the Club. In case you missed it on the radio, or just want to hear it again, visit the NHPR website. (JWM)

New England Southern Railroad Work Ride

(April 30, 2016) Five trackcars and a crew of ten... Nice day for the first work ride of the season. The crew patrolled from Concord to Tilton, helping to get ready for an upcoming tie project, and clearing some leaners before they bent over far enough to impact train operations.

Thanks for everyone's hard work today! (JWM)

Annual Business Meeting

(February 24, 2016) The annual Business Meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, March 13th at 10:00am, at Lake Shore Park (2600 Lake Shore Road, Gilford, NH)

This is the same location that we used last year. Originally a Boston & Maine Railroad property which contains the last standing water tower. The Lake Shore Park depot can be seen as well. Breakfast will be served at 9:00am.

Looking forward to see you all there... (JWM)

Membership Forms

(January 14, 2016) Happy New Year! We hope you are doing well. The 2016 Cotton Valley Membership Application as been put on the Membership Page.

Please fill out and mail the application, along with a check for $30 to:

CVRTC Membership Secretary
Dennis Heffernan
PO Box 2220
York Beach, ME 03910

Send your application and dues as soon as possible but no later than February 21. Don't forget to indicate whether your application is for a single individual or for a family. Membership cards and rosters will be handed out at the annual meeting. Please make every effort to send your application/check BEFORE the annual meeting - by February 21 at the latest - in order to allow time to print membership cards, as well as print the roster. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting in March. (JWM)

See the archives for postings from 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025

Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 417
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

©2003 Cotton Valley Rail Trail Club, Inc.